Dear Dr Heartache.....I Need Help....
Please...I manager of illustrious bank of Congo in Burkino Faso, home of the award winning alligators.
Remember the videos of them eating rhinoceroses and it was shown on C SPAN?
Please...I know this seem like unlikely case..but please at least hear me out...I am sick..so sick, I have been diagnosed by local witch doctor to be possessed by jungle devils who roam the land at night while the pillagers..er I mean the villagers sleep.
Please...I also am blind and deaf not to mention I was raised a sad orphan rejected by both parents who joined the jungle circus to avoid raising me to be productive member of village on the outskirts of Burkino Faso. I cannot even afford donkey to ride to doctor. I must walk bent over in excruciating pain to beg for medicine and pain relievers.
(To this day I have received nothing from them to relieve my distress)
I grew up in orphanage run by child abusers who beat me daily. They fed us one meal a day which consisted of porridge made from dried bug infested leaves.
For drink we had swamp water.
I also suffer from arthritis and rheumatism along with under active thyroid.
I am also morbidly obese!
I cannot afford medicine at this time due to all money locked in account belonging to my only friend in world....when he and all my family and friends along with all my neighbors were tragically reported missing after boarding plane for Monaco to have a late dinner with locals.
I have ingrown toenails, wax filled ears, dandruff, psoriasis, and have difficulty bending over to tie my far away shoes. I wish I could afford Velcro, but alas it is only available in America where everyone is rich and famous....sigh....oh America land of Levis, t-shirts and burgers & fries, videos, and lots of other fun stuff to do!
Please Dr Heartache...contact me ASAP with your bank account number so manager of bank can transfer all abandoned funds into your account there in America.
I PROMISE on the authority of the orphanage that raised me I will give you 40% of all funds IMMEDIATELY!
TEDDY BEAR HUGS and lots of luck,
Hoping to hear from you immediately!
Sad orphaned lonely con artist of Burkino Faso.
Dear sad orphaned lonely con artist of Burkino Faso,
Please...I send all information in the year 2019 as soon as I can get to it. I wish I could do it sooner but am pressed for time and must put you on back burner until then..
Hope you understand...