Dear Dr Heartache.....I Need Help...
I have been gone for a long time....so down and in the dumpies.
I have been grievously disappointed in Obama's success to be president. (Sigh)
Frankly I knew he would win, but I was in....(sigh) denial.
After we listened to the news anchors (that miserable night November 4th) telling us how Obama was adored and worshiped in every land and that his win was certain, my friends and I took off on a long vacation.
We hugged each other and cried. We encouraged each other as much as we could.
Obama is (gasp!) the president!
Dr Heartache, is there any hope for America?
How could this have happened?
Has the world gone mad? Are there no psychiatrists available for those who voted for Obama? Drugs? You know tranquilizers? Or for those who didn't drink the kool-aid? Support groups? Classes?
A deserted island to move to?
Now that Rick Warren will speak at the inauguration and hopefully PRAY I do feel a little better.
As a deeply disappointed American citizen who voted for McCain what can I do to retain my sanity these next four years of looking at Obama's face? (Sigh) not to mention Michelle's.
Bitterly Disappointed in Georgia
Dear Bitterly Disappointed in Georgia...
Believe me I know the feeling. As soon as I knew it was over for McCain I screamed uncontrollably for a solid hour, I was so outraged!
Then I cried for four hours straight without stopping,
..... and went to bed for three days refusing to eat.
So.....If anyone wants to know where the outrage is, tell them it is here in me.
Anyway.....president elect Obama is doing what he is told, so sit tight.
God has it all under control.
Yes as hard as it is we must pray for him since we are to pray for those in authority.
Call this number for help in finding support groups to help you cope with an Obama White house. 1-800-089-3323-0934000 and ask for the disappointed one.
Hope this helped....