Saturday, October 11, 2008

My Lying Cheating Fiancee and My Friends!

Dear Dr Heartache.....I Need Help....

My lying cheating low down friends Sherry, Pam, Susan and Barbara
all confessed to me that they all dated my wickedly unfaithful fiancee. Need I tell you how hopelessly and utterly and completely destroyed I am?
Every time Joe supposedly went out of town on a business trip, he was really dating one of them. It didn't matter which one. They all didn't know about the other. How could he have managed to so deceive, so betray, so hurt and devastate my heart? I went to the outskirts of town, got out of my car and screamed as loud as I could....has he no conscience?
Do I care? yes and no! Am I crushed? yes and not! Will I ever recover from this? I have no idea!
All of them are out of my life forever! I heard that they are all still friends. They said I was taking it too personal. Me? he took my faithful heart and threw it under the bus. The very same bus Obama threw his grandma and pastor under. He mocked my love. He betrayed my trust. I am so broken I may never love again.
Is there any hope or help for me?
Joe was my reason for living, my heart warmer, my soul mate.
Near death in New Hampshire

Dear Near death In New Hampshire,
First calm down and call an ambulance and tell them to bring a strait jacket.
Just in case. Call Joe and tell him you forgive him right after you tell him thanks for dropping an atomic bomb on your life.. Do it for your own piece of mind. Then call your friends Barbara, Sherry, Pam and Susan and tell them thanks for laughing at your heart right before you forgive them also. Do not ever speak to your "friends" again.
So how did you manage to get involved with such a loser that would treat you so badly?
Okay, don't help him out in hurting you. Be strong and put it behind you...really what choice do you have? it is you you must think of now.
Run for your life!
Hope this helped....

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Never A Love Story Like Mine.....

Dear Dr Heartache.....I'm dying!

I'm writing this letter from a hospital bed. Dr heart is gone! Gone! Crushed! Broken! It can never be mended again. Never! I cannot even tell how much I loved Steve.
First let me describe him to you. Oh! this is so difficult to describe perfection! Absolute manliness! What a hunk!
He is the man that walks through every woman's dream. If any woman says he doesn't walk through all her dreams, she is lying!
He has that look. Yes! That one! Rugged and handsome. He has that walk! Yes! That one!
The sound of his voice left me reeling. I could only sigh whenever he came into view. I would look at him when he didn't know I was looking. And I was simply amazed at God's handiwork. I could only praise the Lord for making such a wonderful creature called man. A creation of love and strength... so kind and gentle.
So intelligent.
Please wait while I compose seems when I remember him, I almost literally die. Yes...die! As in die!
One night we went for a walk along the beach. The moon was shining brightly as the waves gently washed upon the sandy shore. Steve was unusually quiet so I asked him if anything was wrong.
He didn't answer. I didn't ask again. Then suddenly Steve said that he had a confession to make. It seems he has been married eight times. Right before I slapped him hard across his face, he had the nerve to say that he was still married to each of his wives.
Dr Heartache...need I say more? Now my entire life is in sorrowful shambles, my heart is beyond repair and my mind is crushed and sad. I'm a mess!!!
I told you I was in a hospital bed. I checked myself in for a rest and therapy.
Here is where it gets worse. I still love Steve.
Am I crazy? Is there any hope for a fool in love?

Bedridden in California Over a Handsome Brown-Eyed Man..

Dear Bedridden in California Over A Handsome Brown-Eyed Man...
Steve has been married eight times? This tells it all doesn't it? I'm sure it was all his fault that the marriages didn't last. Obviously!
Run for your life and do not look back!
Stay in therapy and if at all possible do not even speak to him.
You think you're still in love with him? Write back and tell me what it is you could possibly love about him. Steve needs help only God could provide.
One more bit of advice, when he comes to your mind, toss the thought away and refuse to let it back in. Control your mind and let him go.
Hope this helped....

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

My Love Said He Would Die For Me....

Dear Dr Heartache.....I Need Help....
I'm baffled. My own true passionate love said he would die for me, but Dr Heartache, how can this be so?
I must be honest, I would never want to die for him. I want to live and be happy, not pledge my love with a death promise. Dr Heartache, am I being unreasonable with my feelings?
Could it be that I really don't love him as I thought I did? I will not die for him. I will not do it!
Only God can make me die. Oh please this is so serious telling someone..."I love you so much I would die for you..."
Luke and I were out to dinner on our 7th date. He looked wonderful in his suit and tie. I was dressed in a gorgeous deep dark green dress I found online at an exclusive shop. My shoes were of the same deep dark green. My hair was done up in swirls and I wore diamond earrings. He said my beauty was astonishing and breath taking. He whispered that I was all he ever dreamed of finding. Luke is so handsome and dashing, I am dizzy all the time. When he kisses me, I become woozy and have to be carried away. He leaned close to me and whispered.."I love you so much I would die for you" and this is where the problem begins.
With all these earth moving feelings I have for him as we live in our paradise of love, I still will not die for him. I love him with all my heart, but die I won't.
Dr Heartache, do you think if I'm not willing to die for him, he might leave me for someone who would? Or am I just being unreasonable?
Baffled and Bewildered in Bakersfield, California

Dear Baffled and Bewildered in Bakersfield, California,

Hmm...die for you? That is very strong stuff. Better have him be a little more specific. Ask him exactly what does he mean by "die" and see if it what I think it means.
Then write me and let me know and when I know just what he means by "die" and if it is what I think it is, I will answer you with more detailed information.
Meanwhile stay with your present course..and BTW...he probably won't leave you even if you would not be willing to die for him.
Write back.
Hope this helped....

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

We Found Each Other......However....

Dear Dr Heartache.....I Need Help....

I met my love at the local library.His name is Lance. We literally bumped into each other. I don't need to tell you what happened next....but I want to.....
Suddenly I found myself tumbling `round and `round..spinning out of control as if caught in a whirlwind of love and ecstasy. I was lost in this cloud of desire and utter mystery. I couldn't see him for the fast moving mist. But when the earth stood still and the thin veil at last lifted, my feet touched the ground and I saw him looking down into my eyes. All I could see was pure love and amazement. We both knew without speaking that love was ours forever.
I could hardly contain myself. He confessed that when he saw me his heart began thumping.I had to admit that I was overcome by his absolute perfection.We live in a paradise of love.I am delirious with joy and contentment. Sigh......
We are planning a June wedding. I want to invite all my friends.
Lance said I can choose whatever I want. He says all he wants is to make me happy. Dr Heartache, this is all I want is to make Lance happy. Here is the problem; we have no problem. Is this normal to be so well suited? Is it an everyday occurrence to meet someone who is totally compatible to you? How could our love be so perfect?

A Little Concerned in Wyoming

Dear A Little Concerned in Wyoming.. and he have found love and you can't understand how it can be so perfect? Sounds like your ship came in when his did. So....count your blessings and remember to always be kind, forgiving and patient. If you cannot be those things, then write me again. Hmmm....
Hope this helped....