Friday, July 18, 2008

Dear Dr Heartache.....I Need Help....

I recently returned from a much needed vacation in Hawaii
and found some wonderful news awaiting me.
Obama is not in the lead anymore.
Since you keep up with all the race to the white house,
is he still flip flopping on many issues?

Happy and Hopeful in Nevada

Dear Happy and Hopeful in Nevada,
Well, Obama has kept his promise about change.
He changes like a chameleon to match his surroundings.
He was against the war, and promised to end it immediately,
but now promises to send 10,000 more troops
to Iraq if elected.
He was for partial birth abortion, but now opposes it.
He was against gun ownership, but now supports the people's right to bear arms.
He has flip flopped on every issue on economics to the war to the middle east.
Yes it is change we can believe in as he said..
He changes with the weather and we can't afford
to have this confused man in the White House.
hope this helped....