I am married to a rich man. He is so rich he is unaware that he is this rich. It is literally impossible to count his fortune in a language we can understand. It is absurd how much he is worth. I weep with shame as I type this letter for help. I am so rich.
I spend money shamelessly. I shop endlessly. I travel extensively.
My coffers are full. My closets overflow with designer clothes.
No one owns more shoes than I do. I also own 8,90,000 headbands in case I don't feel like doing my hair.
My collection of art is worth millions and millions of dollars.
Believe it or not I own an original Rembrandt.
My jewelry is more beautiful and costly than the queen of England's jewelry. I have pearls right out of the clam's mouth. The diamonds, the pearls, the emeralds, the rubies and more are scattered at my pedicured feet.
I spend money as I breathe. And this only from the interest accumulating from my husband's enormous bank accounts all over the world.
My wedding dress was covered with diamonds. My tiara was more valuable than the pope's.
Yes Dr Heartache, that is how rich I am married to this man.
He loves me madly. He adores me. He worships the ground I walk on.
He said if he ever lost me he would cease to want to live, that I am the only reason he breathes.
He calls me.."My darling love breath, my only one."
He has never cheated on me. I have never cheated on him. Frankly I don't have the time, I am much too busy shopping.
You may be wondering what could possibly be wrong.
There is something wrong Because I am totally gorgeous beyond belief.
Why would he want her if he does. I am getting ahead of myself here.....
I discovered that Rory is planning on taking a trip to Rome. I learned through reliable sources that he is planning on taking with him a woman he recently hired. How could this be? How could he think this is alright with me? He has not told me this, I discovered it as I told you.
I am crushed! I am shattered and bereft.
Should I file for divorce? Should I ignore it?
Do I have cause to be concerned?
Wondering in New York..
Dear Wondering in New York...
Hmmm......such an unusual problem....husband planning trip to Rome, perhaps to romantic Paris with the woman he just hired.
Hmmm....so do you need a therapist? Of course he is up to no good.
Of course, it may be innocent, but these cases rarely are innocent.
You failed to tell me what the woman looks like.
This is crucial in determining his motives or reasons.
Write back and send pic of her so I can give you a more detailed answer.
If she is hideous to behold, you are safe. If she is beautiful you are in trouble!
Hope this helps....