(I may edit what emails I receive in my inbox. Names changed not to protect the guilty, but for fun)
Dear Dear one...My name is Princess Ileana Mae of the beautiful land of jungle and coconuts; the kingdom of Bassoon Congo of Nigeria.
I beg you to hear me out as I desperately need your assistance concerning an outrageous sum of money now available for me and you to spend as we wish. I only hope that you are dishonest and utterly desperate for money, or I will not be able to use you in my money making scheme.
This recurring nightmare fell on my life when I learned that my dear adoring husband Willy, the love of my life "fell in love" with another woman. Her name is Jezebel. I detest her, and utterly loathe and despise her for taking away my Willy. But anyway.....
I suspected they had something going when I saw how he looked at her at our last kingdom picnic. His eyes were overflowing with "love" for this...this...this...this..home wrecker.
She is, of course a shameless hussy whose lust for married men knows no bounds. They kissed right in front of everyone at the kingdom picnic. I was humiliated beyond belief...................yawn.....anyway....
Before he divorced me on grounds of being "in love" with his shameless hussy, he forgot (Yes!) to withdraw the $100,000,000.00 (One hundred-million dollars) from our joint bank account. Now that the divorce is final, it appears he is now disqualified from ever, as long as he lives, (Yes!) to have a share or part in the money we without conscience accumulated from the outrageous taxes we collected by force from hard working villagers and peasants....and of course the handicapped.
In his lust for the shameless hussy he signed away all his rights. He realized it too late. The judge which heard our unusual case said that his signature is enough proof to bar him forever from any of the $100,000,000.00 US dollars.
His shameless hussy wife now wants to divorce him since she learned that he is merely now a penniless lust-filled moron. Instead of the useful idiot he was.
All I need you to do is email me IMMEDIATELY! I am not well and who knows how long I will last in this condition losing the love of my life to a hussy.
Give me the necessary information such as the name of your bank, your bank account number, your legal name along with your DL number and SSA number with your passport. Also if possible attach an example of your signature.
Thank you for having mercy on poor heartbroken me.
Ileana Mae
Heartbroken princess of Bassoon Congo of Nigeria.
Dear Heartbroken princess from wherever..
Sorry....but Dr Heartache is on vacation in Hawaii.
She won't be back for three weeks.
Try later....