Monday, September 01, 2008

Ex- Christians

Dear Dr Heartache, I just returned from a week of web surfing adventure. I looked for sites where ex-Christians lament their great sorrows in breaking free from Christianity.

I found many sites. I lurked and took in all they are doing to destroy themselves. Of course they think they are destroying Christianity.
Of course they don't see it as destructive, but as they getting "well" from being brainwashed into believing a lie. Many were ministers so they say. Who can say if one is lying or telling the truth among these heretics. Anyway some claim they were preaching the gospel for millenniums, but finally realized they were living a lie. Now at last, they say, they are free.
They comfort each other with advice, like for example to see their local shrink to help them recover.
Their content is...."I was a minister for hundreds of years, preaching the gospel, giving to the poor, winning the lost.
But I begin to find discrepancies in the Bible, and I found I could no longer live a lie. My life is bent out of shape from years of listening to preaching and singing. Please help me find my way back."
Then an ex-Christian who is recovering also tells them to "hang in there" or "I know where you're coming from." or "I was there." or "Believe in yourself." and one even advised one ex-Christian to see a lawyer, perhaps divorce the Christian spouse who may not understand why the ex-Christian needed to be free, to be intelligently and scientifically free from religious nonsense.
The ex-Christian said he is coming out of the closet to reveal he is now free from the God delusion.
Dr Heartache, what should I make of all this?
Wondering in Detroit, Michigan
Dear Wondering in Michigan......,
Poppycock!, it isn't that they are ex-Christians, it is that they are soldiers who could not take the boot camp God has. They are basically deserters.
AWOL. Traitors. Weaklings.
I know that in the Army, many hundreds of men go to training to be soldiers, but many give up, cannot take the discipline it requires to finish the race.
These ex- Christians you saw all over the Internet who are crying on each others shoulders how they couldn't take it anymore are simply not fit for the Kingdom of God.

Jesus said if you put your hand to the plow and look back, you are not fit for his Kingdom. These people looked back, even as did Lot's wife and have become pillars of salt. Unmovable, shall forever be etched in history as disobedient erring children who have gone the way of Balaam.
It is easy to understand. They just couldn't cut it, but blame God and other Christians for the own failure to measure up.
The Christian standard is too high for them to attain, so they gave up and call it freedom. The only ones they have fooled are themselves and others like the. As a Christian myself, I see clearly what happened to these deserters.
Jesus said the way is straight and narrow and few will find it,
so obviously these deserters could never find the straight and narrow that leads to life eternal.
They call themselves ex-Christians, but in reality, the seed sown to them was sown by the wayside, the seed was sown on hard ground.
Jesus told these would come, that they would fall by the way. In the great classic book Pilgrim's Progress the name for these ex-Christians is Pliable.
Pliable walked with Christian for a while. But Christian is a thinker who knows he himself needs guidance and grace, whereas Pliable is arrogant and witless.
Christian makes it home, but after Pliable fell into the Slough of Despond, he runs home a defeated man.
Christians faces the dangers ahead and makes it home safely. There are simply those who could not, did not bring forth fruit because they were not able to understand or grasp the meaning of life eternal.
They are deserters, not ex-Christians.
They will not call themselves Christian army deserters because they think they are ex-Christians.
But the Bible is clear that they have been sent strong delusion by God for not receiving the love of the truth, that they might be saved,
but they had pleasure in unrighteousness.
So God turned their minds to be reprobates
and to believe a lie and be damned.
But do all you can as I do to tell the world what they really are.