Saturday, May 08, 2010

How Could I Love A Loser?

Dear Dr Heartache.....I Need Help....when I met Reno I was awestruck and impressed with all his accomplishments. He was handsome beyond description. Drop dead gorgeous! Our eyes met as we stepped into the elevator.
I was going to the 4th floor and he to the 7th. I hated to get off on my floor. I wondered if he would ask me for a date since I could tell he was attracted to me.
He smiled at me and I smiled back then I got off to go back to my job.
For the rest of the day I thought of his handsome face, his perfect walk and his wonderful smile.
I think at first sight I was overwhelmed by his presence and his very existence left me breathless.
Would I ever see him again? I knew I had to because I recognized that I was madly and desperately in love with a stranger.
Now Dr Heartache this is where I am so confused!
How could I love a stranger? He is a stranger I know nothing about so what happened to me and him in the elevator?
He was waiting for me as I stepped back into the elevator to leave work.
He told me I was lovely and would I consider going out with him.
I fainted!
When I awoke I said yes and he said the fainting said it all. He said he felt the same.
We wined and dined. It was pure ecstasy to be in his arms. I was swooning the whole time he held me close in his strong and warm embrace.
We danced a slow dance and fell deeper in love.
Here is my is it possible to love a stranger? I actually fell in love with a stranger and so did he. How did this happen?
Two people who knew nothing of each other, had never seen each other before the moment they fell in love connect and I want to know why.
Oh! How he turned me on to the highest degree a woman could go. I was living all my dreams come true in one gorgeous man!
Oh wait....I'm forgetting why I wrote to you Dr to the problem;
He left me for a pencil thin woman of low class ways.
My tears are drowning me! I'm bereft of life! I am depressed! I lost all interest in shopping. I have no desire to eat or bathe. I haven't plucked my eyebrows in three days and my hair is a mess.
WHY did he do this? I hate him! I am a nice person and do not deserve this!
What can I do and how shall I live without him?
Destroyed in Arizona..

Dear Destroyed in Arizona,
Begin by asking his new love how she manages to stay so thin.
But back to the issue at hand.
Lust is the reason why. Plain old common lust is why he left.
It is a no-brainer.
Obviously you did not meet his expectations and he left for greener pastures.
Quit crying for someone who doesn't care about you.
Have you no pride no sense of self respect?
Give it up, and get over this loser immediately.
I can never understand how any woman could shed one tear over a man who left her for dead.
Respect yourself and send him a thank you card for sparing you.
Make sure you pay at least $5 for the card so he will know you really mean it.
Say it with Hallmark!
If possible send him a e-card also with a singing thank you!
Hope this helps...

I'm FAT!!!

Dear Dr Heartache.....I Need Help....I enclose a picture of how I used to look until fat took me away from my once perfect life.

I am now a disgusting 300 lbs of ugly fat.
I'm depressed and so unhappy. I have lost all interest in shopping for clothes.
Nothing fits me anymore and no man wants me.
What happened to me? How did I go from a fit and trim 115 pounds to an embarrassing 300?
I know it is not in my genes because no one in my family is obese, only me now.
I admit that I used food as a comfort tool. But instead of comforting me it has turned me into a fat pig.
I try to diet and fail. I even prayed and still I am fat and obese and depressed.
What should I do? Should I see a shrink? I try and fail and cannot understand why I am so fat now.
Please help me!
Obese and Ostracized in Ohio!

Dear Obese and Ostracized in Ohio,
See a shrink? Why? So he can blame everyone but YOU for your obesity?
Psychiatry is all about blaming everyone but you.
A shrink will say that it is your parents fault for not being perfect.
He will blame your teachers and your country and your siblings.
Never you!
Who is the one putting the fork to your mouth?
Your long ago teacher?
Your dear mother who is not perfect and cannot be perfect?
Your dear old dad who royally messed up his life?
I'm not saying this is the case....but just in case it is!
Ask yourself what is the matter.Own up to it.
No pity here just marching orders because you can do it!
Why would anyone think food is meant to comfort?
Food is to be respected! Used to give and sustain life, If only people saw food for what it is, obesity would be something on its way out of the universe.
God said..."the curse causeless will not come."
Learn what foods are.Respect food! It is your friend not your enemy.
Study the food pyramid and learn exactly what is needed for your body.
Losing weight involves making decisions that can only be made by a stable individual.
People who stuff their bodies know it is wrong yet do it anyway.
Obviously they see themselves as an enemy that must be destroyed.
Why else would they harm their own body? The only body they have to live in.
Love yourself for yourself.
Take care of you! No one else can do it for you!
YOU must do it.
Make sound decisions and if you have trouble with keeping them, then
ask yourself why.
Get to the root of your problem and treat food with respect.
Hope this helped...

Hamburger and Fries the Enemy?

Dear Dr Heartache.....I Need Help....I recently read your advice to a person having a problem with her disgusting neighbor who answered his door not wearing a shirt.
She said his fat and flab hung shamelessly and disgustingly from his body as he leaned against the door.
I have a similar problem!
I was driving down the road minding my own business.
My three friends were with me. They all agree with my letter to you!
I had to stop at a red light. This is when my problem began.
I happened to look at the person in the car next to me. It was a woman about 35 years old with purple hair.

Anyway she was eating a hamburger and fries. Or should I say gobbling down?
Well I didn't want to stare, but could not help noticing she was wolfing it down with the fries as if she hadn't eaten for days.
She literally popped the hamburger in her mouth and chewed it with gusto!

Or should I say tossed the hamburger into her mouth?

Isn't this against the law to be driving and doing something else besides keeping your eyes on the road?
I know cell phones are outlawed. But what about hamburgers and fries? This is not the first time I have encountered this feasting at red lights.

Consider this: what if one is driving down the road and munching on fries and a burger and suddenly you begin to choke? Not a good thing.
Do people think of this as they drive and gobble down food that is universally known not to be good for them?
I was appalled that this person was gobbling down this junk food while driving when she should have been giving all her attention to driving.
Mad in Wisconsin!

Dear Mad In Wisconsin,
I completely agree! I was always taught we eat at tables while sitting on a chair. Call my mother old-fashioned but that is she made sure we had our meals.
Eating while driving is a problem.

We can learn bad habits by doing them such as buying a quick burger and fries instead of cooking a nourishing meal at home.
I think a burger and fries is alright once in a while and maybe this is what the young woman was doing. Maybe she had not had a burger for months.
Judge not!

But again to eat while driving is always the wrong thing to do.
Get over it and make sure you don't do that is the best advice I can give you.
Hope this helped you...

Friday, May 07, 2010

Fat and Flab Disgust Me!!!

Dear Dr Heartache.....I Need problem may seem unusual but I am so disturbed by something I witnessed and have no idea how to handle it.
Here is what happened to me. I had to go to a neighbor's the other day much to my shock and dismay. It concerned a tree in his yard.

I knocked and waited until finally the door was opened by an elderly man.He was about 75 if he was a day!

He stood there one arm hanging at his side, the other raised high touching the door with his hand clutching the edge almost at the top.

He was literally hanging on the door. He was dressed only in shorts and nothing more. His underarm hair was long and hanging down his side. Each strand was tied in with the other strands of hair in what seemed to be knots. It almost looked like his underarm hair was deliberately done in dreadlocks.

I could see it with my peripheral vision. His side from above his waist was hanging in layers (how many layers is a mystery) of blubber down his hip which hip was hanging down to his knobby knees in layers of rippling sweaty fat.

As I shuddered again...I could hardly see his knees (not that I was looking; it was a scene captured with my p-vision)I was absolutely disgusted beyond description. I was mortified and horrified!
I said nothing of course.He stared at me with a blank look on his face.

He finally said..with a bored expression..."Yes? May I help you?" I had to compose myself to speak to him since I was completely shocked and horrified at his gross appearance. I shuddered. My body shuddered and shook as I tried desperately to remain composed. I gasped and told him I was simply shocked that someone was home since I never saw activity around his house!
I said that I suspected maybe no one lived here because of the weeds and diseased trees not to mention the foot high grass.
I almost fell over at such a shocking display of neglect of his body caused by what appeared to be years of gluttony and complete lack of exercise!

His fat flabby body was displayed in all its gore while he stood there with not an ounce of shame evident in his face.

He was dressed not in undershorts, but in some old cut-offs he must have bought twenty years ago.They were much too large for him....but anyway....

I'm sorry Dr Heartache, but today when I was eating my lunch the memory of what I had to view that day when that man opened his door seemed to have traumatized me. I lost my appetite!

Not only was he fat and flabby he was not in the least embarrassed about it.
He could have worn a shirt to open the door then apologized for his obesity.

I almost became nauseated when the memory of his fat and flab assaulted my mind.
Anyway here is my question Dr Heartache. I need help! I don't want to be disgusted with this person yet I am. I find his appearance totally unacceptable and his attitude equally a reject. I feel bad that I found him so disgusting.

He lives alone and who knows his past? I think he was married once.
But his obesity is not something he needs to flaunt. And this is what it seemed to me he was doing.He flaunted his fat and flab and gross underarm hairs.

I think he should have opened the door wearing a dark shirt. I do know a little bit about fashion and I know that Black always slims one's bodily appearance down. He then should have said something like this..."Oh Hello! Please excuse my flab and fat and my overall disgusting appearance. I start my diet in a few minutes!"
Has he never heard of Jenny Craig? it is inexcusable that he did not call her immediately! When the first extra pound of fat appeared he should have ran to the phone!

But he didn't so who has the problem here me or my disgusting neighbor?

He could have opened the door wearing appropriate clothing to greet a stranger. Mind you this was the first time I had ever knocked on his door and believe me it is the last time!
Am I wrong or is he?
I believe in wearing clothes!
Traumatized in Utah!

Dear Traumatized in Utah,

Hmmm I see what you mean by disgusting.

However apparently he doesn't see himself as disgusting. Or if he does he is fine with it.
Who knows what childhood he experienced. Who knows who raised him? Who knows what he was told about himself?

He allowing himself to be disgusting in his personal appearance is none of your business.

But here is what to do.
Let it go!
But use the traumatizing experience to teach yourself not
to let yourself go to the point where others may find you disgusting.
You can't change him but you do have control over you!

Always open the door if you do.. dressed in clothing that is appropriate for others to look at.
Do it for America!
Learn from his mistakes and apply them to yourself!
Yes it is a sad thing to find someone disgusting. Some people have problems with their metabolism and others just can't stop eating.

It is in your best interest to stay away from him.Try to be a little more tolerant of others regardless of their physical appearance.
Some people are so hurt in life they gave up. Be kind.
Oh and pray for him!

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Dr Heartache should I or shouldn't I?

Dear Dr Heartache.....I Need Help....

Do you think it is a good idea for me and my friend to go on a double date with two cute guys we met at the beach?

Both of them are so cute and they also are rich!

I think I might be in love with the one with dark hair. Talk about a brown eyed handsome man!
My friend Tiffany thinks she might be in love with the blond one.

Anyway we just met them but do you think it would be safe since we only met them?

Wondering and perhaps in love in New Jersey

Dear Wondering in New Jersey,
In this day and age it would be wise to find out more about these two men before you get in a car alone with them. Much less go with them anywhere.
Ask about their families and their jobs such as where and what and how.
If they are on the level they will understand your concern.
Nowadays some have gotten killed when getting involved with strangers.
The advice your mother gave you is still good advice.
Don't get into cars with strangers and don't believe everything they tell you.
Hope you heed my advice!

Important Letter of Interest to You Dr Heartache!

Dear Dr Heartache.....I write this letter in strict confidence of you to keep valid secret of $100,000,000.00 now sitting in Nigerian bank.

I found your name on Internet Yahoo site and could tell I could trust you with this urgent problem now facing me in my old age of sorts.

My former boss is the late Heriberto de Lauritz of the kingdom of Gerundo a place far away from America. It is located deep in the jungle of the Congo.
He was tragically killed in an airplane crash last October with all his family and friends and confidants.

So sad! The grieving process is now done and I must act immediately!

I happen to be his best friend who cares about his money now sitting in bank in Nigeria. I tell you now the problem I face.

The bank said it must release money to trustworthy person. It cannot release to me since I am too old to be deemed responsible since I forget things easily. However the bank president said he will be willing to release said funds to a trusted American who only has to provide his bank account number immediately!

Please send immediately all necessary information so we can divide the money equally between us. My email is popcorn at My phone number is 80-0900-345-8000

Please address this urgent and important request immediately as time is of the essence. Your friend and business partner, Tammy

Anxious in Nigeria

Dear Anxious in Nigeria...
I will send the necessary information immediately!
Watch your mailbox for my old bank account number!
However the bank account is closed since today.
Have a good day!
BTW...get a life!

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

My Love Interest Has A Problem!

Dear Dr Heartache....I need help and advice. Here is the problem: My boyfriend Donny wants me to move to the fattest state in America which is Mississippi. He used to live in West Virginia which is the second fattest state in America.

His dad is from the third fattest state in America which is Alabama and his mom is from the fourth fattest state in America which is Louisiana.

They recently moved to South Carolina which is the fifth fattest state in America.

He said if I wouldn't move to Mississippi would I move to Tennessee (6th fattest). If not there would I move to Kentucky the seventh fattest state in America.

If not Kentucky he asked if I would move to Oklahoma which is the eighth fattest state in America. He even asked if not any of those states would I marry him and settle down in Arkansas the ninth fattest state in America.
He mentioned Michigan also which happens to be the tenth fattest state in America.

Here is my question: why do you think he is determined to live in a state that is rating very fat on the chart of obese states?
Dr Heartache, I love all the folks in all the states and have nothing against them. Why they are rating fat on obese charts is not my business.
But I do love Donny, who by the way is not fat is in perfect health and loves me madly.
By the way I'm a health nut!
Puzzled in California..

Dear Puzzled in California,

Hmmm... could be he just loves the people there and perhaps is related to a few here and there. If not that it could be he is interested in the climate and the food.
OR...he is planning to become obese! I think not.
My advice to you is do not marry this man if he wants to live in a state that is receiving fat reviews.
Stay in California and tell him you refuse to live in a state that is eating too much fattening foods.
Do you want obese children? Of course not.
Actually it is not overeating that is the problem it is under exercising. Too much television and too much Internet.
Not enough walking and too much driving.

Too much sitting around doing nothing. Too many stops at the fast food drive-through s.
Do not eat red meat and fall in love with fresh fruits and vegetables!
And by the way please do not refer to any state as fat ever again!
That was very rude of you!!!