Dear Dr Heartache, I am so miserable.
I was renting a house from a nice family.
One day their uncle came over, said he had to repair the bathroom floor.
Next thing I knew, he was ripping out all the floor in the living room (the carpet) and then he proceeded to tear out the plumbing in the kitchen while leaving the water on.
After he destroyed almost everything in my house, he left and said I would get the bill.
Is he insane? Or is the family I rent from insane?
The place is al mess, with no help in sight.
What shall I do???
Bewildered and hopping mad!
Dear BeWildered and Hopping Mad,
Call Landlord's Disputes to have
your landlord investigated immeditely.
He sounds like a nut case.
Also call Tenant's Rights.
Your landlord is in violation of the lease.
If you're just on month to month, he is in violation of your right to enjoy the property you rented from him.
Remember YOU have rights!!!!!
to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.