Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I'm Insane With Pain!

Dear Dr Heartache,

I cannot even begin to describe my sorrow.

My boyfriend Mark told me he loved another woman.

I am devastated and am thinking of suicide.

I cannot bear the thought of life without Mark.

We dated for four years after meeting at church.

We were planning a June wedding with five-hundred guests.

I am having my wedding gown made by a dress designer in Paris, France.

M y parents have spent all their savings to give me the most perfect wedding.

Now there will be no wedding day

since Mark told me loves someone else and cannot marry me.

I am heartbroken, crushed, depressed, in despair, sad, confused, bewildered,

embarrassed beyond description, humiliated and ashamed.

I had so many plans for our life together.

And I'm pregnant. He said that he would be glad to financially provide for our child after he is born.

I'm nearly wild with grief and pain because

Mark has decided to marry someone else.

I see no light at the end of the tunnel, only an approaching train.

What possible hope could there be for me?

Please help me!

About to Give Up On Life....
Dear About to Give Up On Life,
Suicide? Over a cheating ignorant selfish man? You should not insult and wound yourself more for his crime! Remove yourself by walking away with head high and mind intact though heart is smashed.
Suicide? Do you mean to tell me that what he did to you is not enough?
You want to add to what he did? Why?
I cannot imagine why you would want to help him destroy you.
Think of your dear loving parents who gladly were willing
to give all they had to give you a beautiful wedding.
If for nothing else, save your life for them.
Do it for yourself also.
Somewhere down the way is someone who will not do this to you.
Right now he is looking for you.
Don't let his search be in vain!
Help him find you!
God did you a favor by showing you now what is in this person you
(shudder) almost married.
Pity him. Pity the poor woman he is with.
Pity them....................... and then forget it. He is forgettable , you know.
Move on even though your heart is broken.
You will smile again.
Look at the bright side of it.
See how bright it is. He is not for you even though you came this far.
Your friends and others will understand.
They will be glad God snatched you from this fire that would eventually have consumed your life and perhaps others lives also.
Think of your child!
Be glad you are out of the burning house that would surely have destroyed you had you stayed.
Have a nice day and remember to trust in God.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Dear Dr. Heartache,
My mom is involved with an old buzzard.He is creepy REALLY REALLY OLD and his feet are terrible they are so hideous long skinny and very very very boney....... pluss his terrible nasty beard... sometimes when he gives me a ride somewhere he scratches his beard and dandruff falls off it and into his shirt. PLUS,,,, may i say the way he smells like old moldy EGGS ....... this man is so strange!!!!!!!!!!!


,b>Dear Unhappy,
You know what I would do run this man out of your moms life... don't look at him, talk to him, just stay away and give him as much attitude as possible smart mouth him. Also talk to your mom about how much you HATE this dirty nasty, leech crawling ,man and how much you want him out of your lives........

♥Dr. Heartache

Russian (Nigerian) scum scam Emails.....

Dear Dr Heartache,

I'm beside myself with tiredness from recieving Negerian scam letters in my Yahoo inbox. Ho-hum...yawn.....

How much more can I take? Each scum-scam letter wants me to participate in a shady financial deal overseas. They want me to send them money.
Of course I know the letters are from con-artists preying on innocent people. But why do they continue doing this even after Chris Hansen exposed them on NBC? Don't tell me to delete my account. I've had it for years.

Tired and Weary of Nigerian con-artists

Dear Tired and Weary....,

They do it because they think they will succeed.

They do it because they have nothing to do with their

lives except lie, cheat, deceive and rob.

They do it because they have no respect for others or themselves.

Continue to delete each letter.

But remember there are people out there who actually are foolish enough to believe that they can recieve something for nothing.

It sounds good.

The scam artist offers you a small percentage of his supposedly large inheritance.

Someone is always "tragically killed" in these letters.

Usually in a plane crash.

Now it is very poular for these heathens to use the name of Christ to make their appeal.

You cannot cheat an honest person!

The internet watchers are on to them so take heart!

Yours truly,

Dr Heartache