Dear Dr Heartache.....I Need Help....
It is 2 Am and my eyes are swollen from crying. I started crying at 9PM last night.
My story is incredibly sad and blue.
My eyes are swollen and almost shut.
I'm trying hard to see the keys so I can type to you dear Dr Heartache.
Dr Heartache, I just learned last night at 8:58 PM that my husband Max whom I love more than life itself is madly in love with the neighbor down the street. Her name is Lily. I heard it through the neighborhood grapevine. Max told me this at 8:55 Pm then left to meet his lover.
Where did I go wrong? It seems Lily's husband Sean left her for the neighbor Pam across the street from them. And the shameless Pam he left with is also involved with the real estate agent Sam who sold them the house. Of course Sam is unaware of Pam's other activities.
I called Sam and he said that it was none of my business what he does in his spare time.
Dr Heartache, what kind of a man destroys lives in his spare time? What must he do with his real time?
I'm confused who is who in this insane love fiasco.
Pam and Sean plan on getting married after they both divorce,or would that be Pam and Sam? Or is that my used to be Max? Anyway Lily wants to marry my husband Max when she divorces her husband Sean, or is it ....Sam...
oh Dr Heartache, all this adultery lust is confusing me.
What shall I do?
Confused, angry and about
to collapse in South Dakota
Dear Confused, angry and about to collapse in South Dakota,
First off, you say that Lily is the one who is "in love"
with your low down husband Max?
And you say that Lily's husband Sean left her
for Pam?
And Pam is also involved with the real estate guy Sam? Sean? Or is is Max?
Oh! Max is your husband...anyway.....
They all want to get divorces so they can marry their shameless lovers?
Well, with what I can gather it looks like if this confusion continues
Max will end up marrying you after he divorces you...
to marry Lily and Lily realizes that Sean, or is it Sam?
Dear cheated on....the best thing for you to do is wait
and when this confusing fiasco or lust and loss is over
you and Sean will still be married.
Or was that Sam? Max?
Goes to show you what adultery causes...shame, confusion and
unbridled lust.
Have a great day!!!!
Hope this helped......